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Increases Myth-Based Accuracy for the Pet Owner
Range: 1% - 6%
Agility-Based Abilities
Intellect-Based Abilities
Power-Based Abilities
Variable Abilities
Other pets with this skill:
Amber Shenlong Dragon 53
Baba Yaga's Egg 59
Bloodbat 26
Brave Hound 57
Bronze Golem 67
Brown Rat Magician 33
Cyclops 39
Dreamy Baaterfly 50
Earth Walker 58
Fabled Grimoire 60
Fang Bat 37
Frankie Forearms 51
Frog 31
Funky Piggle
Goat Monk 32
Golden Piggle
Golden Ram 53
Guardian Dragon
Helpful Wildclaw 52
Humongofrog 59
Imperial Foo Dog
Jade Oni 53
Minotaur 54
Muscled Cat
Mustard Troll 43
Myth Banshee 36
Myth Ghoul 38
Myth Imp 56
Myth Leprechaun 34
Myth Sprite 31
Mythic Beast 57
Myth Treant 37
Myth-ish Frog 51
Owl Protege 58
Party Corgi 48
Piggle 30
Quirky Piggle
Red Cap 54
Red Gobbler 37
Revered Dragon
Rowdy Wildclaw
Rude Goblin 53
Shaolin Monkey 54
Silverback Wildclaw 58
Spiritual Dragon 55
Stray Piggle 30
Sturdy Dragon 45
Supportive Wildclaw 55
Tough Troll 35
Tricky Wildclaw 53
Troll 36
Utility Dragon 63
Viper in a Jar 63
White Rat Magician 55
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