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Super Hurry

Page history last edited by Beatriz Abbott 3 years, 10 months ago



+50 Speed *10/8/10 update*

+40 Speed





Cooldown (in seconds)

30  *10/8/10 update*







Other pets with this skill:


Assailing Dragon 61  


Babydactyl 58

Battle Cherub 56

Betta Fish 58

Blazezilla 55

Blood Hound 60

Booloon 69

Brave Hound 57

Bumble Bee 57


Chameleon 46

Crimson Spectre 62

Cunning Seal Pup 72


Dark Crow 57

Deathbat 43

Death Scarab 42

Deep Leviathan 59

Dill Piggle 53

Dire Ghoul 44

Diseased Wildclaw 35

Dread Grimoire

Dusty Grimoire 62


Emberstone Tiger 55


Fabled Grimoire 60

Feral Zorphie 55

Fierce Hound 57

Firestorm Quetzal 65

Forest Lord 59

Friendship Oni 36

Frilled Lizard 52

Frozen Cat


Giraffe 57

Golden Ram 53

Grandpa Piggle 69

Greenman Sapling 67
Guardian Dragon


Hall Minotaur 69

Hotzilla 55

Humongofrog 59

Hunter's Hound 69



Ice Wyvern 59

Incendiary Grimoire 60

Intrepid Seal Pup 72


Jellyfish 53

Jellyfish 56

Judgement 64


Kraken 59

Krokopatra's Troll 66


Lucky Leprechaun


Meow Wing 60


Night Hawk 59

Nodori Winged Ram 61


Origami Crane 41


Pegasus Pony 59

Penumbra Drake 72

Phoenix 59

Pioneer Dragon 59

Pixie Queen 57

Puffy Packfish 68


Rattlebones's Sprite 68

Red Cap 54

Rooted Grimoire


Samoorai 61

Scarecrow 59

Sea Dragon 58

Sea Dragon 72 

Shock Demon 52 

Silverback Wildclaw 58

Snake In A Basket 62


Spellwrit Ronin 63

Spellwrit Wildclaw 59

Spider Golem 55  

Spinyfish 56

Spinyfish 61

Spirit of the Forest 54

Starfish 56

Starfish 61


Toy Golem 59


Utility Dragon 63


Velociraptor 64

Verglas Grimoire

Vigilant Dragon 63

Viper in a Jar 63

Vissarovich's Icehound 63


Whirlwind Grimoire 59

Zombie 54  

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