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Aqua Dragon 57
Arctic Cat 52
Arctic Elf
Arctic Ninja Pig 61
Arctic Serpent 38
Armor Dragon
Azure Dragon 41
Blizzard Cat
Blizzard Elf 52
Blue Banshee 32
Blue Cyclops 31
Blue Dragon 45
Blue Spider 36
Borealis Golem 65
Brother Cheesiwitz 51
Calixco Kitten 60
Cerulean Dragon
Christmas Elf 53
Crystal Spider 33
Dark Worm Larva 69
Evil Snowman 31
Fantastic Plushie 67
Fragmented Dragon 52
Frigid Elf 52
Frilled Lizard 52
Frost Beetle 36
Frost Cat
Frostman 52
Frosty Fish 45
Frosty Krokomummy 54
Frozen Cat
Glacial Elf
Glacier Dragon 54
Glacier Cat 53
Grandpa Piggle 69
Green Spider 38
Grumpy Snowman 42
Guardian Foo Dog 46
Hollow Knight 56
Ice Armaments 63
Ice Bird 38
Ice Cat 30
Ice Colossus
Ice Elf 44
Ice Floe Siren 64
Ice Salamander 32
Ice Wartle 70
Ice Wyvern 59
Icebat 35
Indigo Dragon 42
Lord of Winter
Mountain Yeti 60
Noble Toad 72
Nutcracker 56
Pet Egg 60
Pet Rock 40
Polar Bear Cub 59
Polar Cat 56
Polar Elf
Proper Penguin 73
Purple Spider 45
Queen Spider 53
Rescue Rover 66
Royal Dragon 44
Sailback Skink 48
Sandman 52
Shardtail Dragon 43
Smith 62
Snow-Covered Elf 52
Snow Beast 49
Snow Serpent 37
Snowball 60
Snowy Cat
Spectre Lord 64
Spellwrit Stalker 43
Starburst Spider 54
Starfish 56
Starfish 61
Trolling Stone 40
Verglas Grimoire
Vigilant Dragon 63
Warden's Icehound 63
Wayward Minstrel 54
White Winter Owl 57
Wintry Elf
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