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If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.
Increases Life-Based Resist for the Pet Owner
Range: 1% - 15%
Active Abilities
Agility-Based Abilities
Life-Based Abilities
Power-Based Abilities
Resist Abilities
Strength-Based Abilities
Variable Abilities
Other pets with this skill:
Barkerville Hound 71
Brown Recluse Spider 52
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at 12:01 am on Jul 24, 2013
Thanks to Eevee918 for providing current graphic~
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Works in Progress
Primary Priorities:
Spare change lying around? Help the Petnome Project maintain its NEW, advanced form!
Comments (1)
Alric Ravensinger said
at 12:01 am on Jul 24, 2013
Thanks to Eevee918 for providing current graphic~
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